Before we start…


Concrete shell must be clean of all debris, water and concrete overspray

It is advised that all penetrations in pool shell (pipes, skimmer box, main drain be sealed prior to application of your new surface)
All plastics to be left onsite – eyeballs, suction grates, light pebble rings, main drain covers, hydrostatic valves

How we apply your pebblecrete

Glue coat is applied by pump and broomed over surface

Pebble mix is sprayed on to walls and floor and hand trowelled to a smooth finish

At the appropriate time the interior is then water blasted to expose your new pebble interior

All slurry is removed from site

The interior is then left to cure

We return and acid wash the new interior to remove any cement residue.

At this point we fit any necessary pool fittings (supplied by builder – eyeballs, lights, suction grates)

We put your garden hose in and leave your new pool to fill

You are now ready for your pool builder or pool shop to come in and balance your pool water with chemicals.

Some reminders

Do NOT turn the hose off while the interior is filling, if the water is stopped before the pool is full, it is likely there will be a ring or “tide mark” at the water line that will be difficult if not impossible to remove
Do NOT enter in to the pool until the pool is completely full